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justify text by changing the width of container

I want text in my tooltips to be justified, but not as in css by making big spaces between words, but by adjusting container width.

For example here's the tooltip

enter image description here

I don't want my tooltips to stretch to 1000px if there is a lot of text, so I set max width to 300px.

By setting max width I get into situations where tooltip looked perfectly if I widened the container a little, in this case 15px.

Or there might be a case when I wanted to narrow the element for text to fit exactly.

What is the best way to do that ?

The best way I can think of is to get last word, wrap it in a span, measure the distance to the edge and if it's less than 50%, to widen or if more to shrink the container until container's height changes which means line was added or removed

like image 397
Tomas Avatar asked Feb 20 '14 16:02


People also ask

How do you justify text in HTML?

The HTML attribute is used to justify-content is align attribute. The align attribute of <p> tag is used to justify the text on a web page. This can be done by assigning the value to the aligned attribute as justified.

How do you justify text in a paragraph in CSS?

The text is justified by adding space between characters (effectively varying letter-spacing ), which is most appropriate for languages like Japanese. Exhibits the same behavior as inter-character ; this value is kept for backwards compatibility.

2 Answers

Try this one: http://jsfiddle.net/hLMkD/1/

It gets the real width of the String by injecting a hidden element and then sets the width of the tooltip to the width of the real string if it is in a defined range defined by delta

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('.tooltip').each(function() {
        var $this = $(this);
        var delta = 20;

        // get the real width of the string
        var $tester = $('<div class="tester" />').appendTo('body').text($this.text());
        var stringWidth = $tester.width();

        if($this.width()+delta > stringWidth) {

Hope i could help a bit, needs a bit of fiddling i think but it should point you to the idea.

I thought this one over and came to the point, that a pure CSS solution might be what you are searching for. You can set the tooltip to display:inline-block, so it will only take as much place as the text needs (which solves your narrow down use-case) and then set a max-width to your desired width.

Check http://jsfiddle.net/hLMkD/1/ again.

like image 82
markusthoemmes Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09


Fiddle : http://jsfiddle.net/aslancods/jbGc6/7/

 /* css */
   body {
            font-family: Arial, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif;
            font-size: 12.6px;
        } // to make font proper

  .tool-tip {
            display: inline-block;
            word-break: break-all;
        } // tool-tip set to inline-block, so that it wraps text we can calculate text width

  /* tip-span class is added after setting width to tooltip */
  .tip-span:after {
                content: " "
  .tip-span:last-child:after {
                content: ""

<div class="tool-tip" id="tip" >
    Maecenas ultricies dolor id fringilla ornare. 
    Vestibulum quis semper quam, 
<div class="invisible" id="invisible"></div>

    /* JS */
    //get text inside tool-tip 
    var arr = $('.tip')[0].innerHTML.split(/\s+/); 

    //wrap each word with span and append to tool-tip
    for( i=0; i< arr.length; i++  ) {
        html += "<span>";
        html += arr[i];
        html += "</span>";
    $('.tip')[0].innerHTML = html;

    // len = no: of words
    // get total width of text by calculating total tool-tip width 
    var tip_width = $('.tip').width();

   // find by which number, tip_width is divisible. it is the no of lines or no of rows of text
   // calculate width
   // width = ( tip_width + ( no:of words * ( width taken by a space ) ) ) / no: of rows
    for( i=2; i< len; i++ ) {

        if( ( tip_width % i ) == 0 ){
            setWidth = ( tip_width + (len * spaceWidth) ) / i;      
            if( setWidth <= 300 ) { // rows will choosen if it is lesser than 300
                console.log( i )


  //set width to tool tip
  tip.css({ 'width': setWidth+'px' });
like image 32
sudhan kantharuban Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09

sudhan kantharuban