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Justify buttons with Bootstrap v4

Bootstrap v4 drops the .btn-group-justified class, see https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/issues/17631

How to justify the button for:

 <div class="btn-group btn-group-justified" role="group" aria-label="Justified button group">    <a class="btn btn-primary" href="#" role="button">Left</a>    <a class="btn btn-primary" href="#" role="button">Middle</a>    <a class="btn btn-primary" href="#" role="button">Right</a>  </div> 
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Bass Jobsen Avatar asked Dec 24 '15 09:12

Bass Jobsen

People also ask

How do I justify a button in Bootstrap?

Due to the specific HTML and CSS used to justify buttons (namely display: table-cell ), the borders between them are doubled. In regular button groups, margin-left: -1px is used to stack the borders instead of removing them.

How do I align a button to the center in Bootstrap 4?

Answer: Use the text-center Class You can simply use the built-in class . text-center on the wrapper element to center align buttons or other inline elements in Bootstrap. It will work in both Bootstrap 3 and 4 versions.

How do I move the button to the right in Bootstrap 4?

Answer: Use the text-right Class You can simply use the class . text-right on the containing element to right align your Bootstrap buttons within a block box or grid column. It will work in both Bootstrap 3 and 4 versions.

1 Answers

For anyone finding this after Bootstrap 4 Beta was released...

<div class="btn-group d-flex" role="group">     <a href="" class="btn btn-secondary w-100">Previous</a>     <a href="" class="btn btn-secondary w-100">Next</a>  </div>
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Chris Baswell Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09

Chris Baswell