There are lots of examples of using ODataConventionModelBuilder
with simple, contrived models, often just a single class.
But there's nothing that actually explains what the conventions are; how to code a model that complies with convention. There's no official documentation for it.
So what's the convention?
From what I've seen so far, the conventions are those used by Entity Framework, as opposed to any new ones for OData. Please correct me if I am wrong.
More on Code-first conventions, below, but there are many more in the Julie Lerman book I have yet I cannot find an exhaustive list of them on the web.
The EF modelling conventions system is pluggable and each convention is represented by a class encapsulating the behaviour, and those classes are listed here:
However that doesn't help with which ones are applicable or used by the ODataConventionModelBuilder
if any.
AssociationInverseDiscoveryConvention - Provides convention to detect navigation properties to be inverses of each other when only one pair of navigation properties exists between the related types.
AttributeToColumnAnnotationConvention - A general purpose class for Code First conventions that read attributes from .NET properties and generate column annotations based on those attributes.
AttributeToTableAnnotationConvention - A general purpose class for Code First conventions that read attributes from .NET types and generate table annotations based on those attributes.
ColumnAttributeConvention - Represents a convention to process instances of ColumnAttribute found on properties in the model.
ColumnOrderingConvention - Represents a convention to apply column ordering specified via ColumnAttribute or theDbModelBuilder API.
ColumnOrderingConventionStrict - Convention to apply column ordering specified via ColumnAttribute or theDbModelBuilder API. This convention throws if a duplicate configured column order is detected.
ComplexTypeAttributeConvention - Represents the convention to process instances of ComplexTypeAttribute found on types in the model.
ComplexTypeDiscoveryConvention - Represents a convention to configure a type as a complex type if it has no primary key, no mapped base type and no navigation properties.
ConcurrencyCheckAttributeConvention - Represents the convention to process instances of ConcurrencyCheckAttributefound on properties in the model.
Convention - A convention that doesn't override configuration.
DatabaseGeneratedAttributeConvention - Represents a convention to process instances of DatabaseGeneratedAttribute found on properties in the model.
DecimalPropertyConvention - Convention to set precision to 18 and scale to 2 for decimal properties.
DeclaredPropertyOrderingConvention - Represents a convention to move primary key properties to appear first.
ForeignKeyAssociationMultiplicityConvention - Represents a convention to distinguish between optional and required relationships based on CLR nullability of the foreign key property.
ForeignKeyDiscoveryConvention - Represents a base class for conventions that discover foreign key properties.
ForeignKeyIndexConvention - Represents a convention to introduce indexes for foreign keys.
ForeignKeyNavigationPropertyAttributeConvention - Represents a convention to process instances of ForeignKeyAttribute found on navigation properties in the model.
ForeignKeyPrimitivePropertyAttributeConvention - Represents a convention to process instances of ForeignKeyAttribute found on foreign key properties in the model.
IdKeyDiscoveryConvention - Convention to detect primary key properties. Recognized naming patterns in order of precedence are: 1. 'Id' 2. [type name]Id Primary key detection is case insensitive.
IndexAttributeConvention - A convention for discovering IndexAttributeattributes on properties and generatingIndexAnnotation column annotations in the model.
InversePropertyAttributeConvention - Represents a convention to process instances of InversePropertyAttribute found on properties in the model.
KeyAttributeConvention - Convention to process instances ofKeyAttribute found on properties in the model.
KeyDiscoveryConvention - Represents a base class for conventions that discover primary key properties.
ManyToManyCascadeDeleteConvention - Convention to add a cascade delete to the join table from both tables involved in a many to many relationship.
MappingInheritedPropertiesSupportConvention - Convention to ensure an invalid/unsupported mapping is not created when mapping inherited properties
MaxLengthAttributeConvention - Represents a convention to process instances of MaxLengthAttribute found on properties in the model.
NavigationPropertyNameForeignKeyDiscoveryConvention - Convention to discover foreign key properties whose names are a combination of the dependent navigation property name and the principal type primary key property name(s).
NotMappedPropertyAttributeConvention - Represents a convention to process instances of NotMappedAttribute found on properties in the model.
NotMappedTypeAttributeConvention - Represents a convention to process instances of NotMappedAttribute found on types in the model.
OneToManyCascadeDeleteConvention - Provides a convention to enable cascade delete for any required relationships.
OneToOneConstraintIntroductionConvention - Provides a convention to configure the primary key(s) of the dependent entity type as foreign key(s) in a one:one relationship.
PluralizingEntitySetNameConvention - Represents a convention to set the entity set name to be a pluralized version of the entity type name.
PluralizingTableNameConvention - Represents a convention to set the table name to be a pluralized version of the entity type name.
PrimaryKeyNameForeignKeyDiscoveryConvention - Convention to discover foreign key properties whose names match the principal type primary key property name(s).
PrimitivePropertyAttributeConfigurationConvention - Base class for conventions that process CLR attributes found on primitive properties in the model.
PropertyAttributeConfigurationConvention - Base class for conventions that process CLR attributes found on properties of types in the model.
PropertyMaxLengthConvention - Represents a convention to set a maximum length for properties whose type supports length facets. The default value is 128.
RequiredNavigationPropertyAttributeConvention - Convention to process instances ofRequiredAttribute found on navigation properties in the model.
RequiredPrimitivePropertyAttributeConvention - Represents a convention to process instances of RequiredAttribute found on primitive properties in the model.
SqlCePropertyMaxLengthConvention - Represents a convention to set a default maximum length of 4000 for properties whose type supports length facets when SqlCe is the provider.
StoreGeneratedIdentityKeyConvention - Represents a convention to configure integer primary keys to be identity.
StringLengthAttributeConvention - Represents a convention to process instances of StringLengthAttribute found on properties in the model.
TableAttributeConvention - Represents a convention to process instances of TableAttribute found on types in the model.
TimestampAttributeConvention - Represents a convention to process instances of TimestampAttribute found on properties in the model.
TypeAttributeConfigurationConvention - Base class for conventions that process CLR attributes found in the model.
TypeNameForeignKeyDiscoveryConvention - Convention to discover foreign key properties whose names are a combination of the principal type name and the principal type primary key property name(s).