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Just picking up node. Should I use express or really learn node first?

As the title stated, I'm just now picking up node. I've looked into Express a little, mostly by watching the videos on expressjs.com, and was pretty impressed.

However, it reminded me a lot of Rails. I always felt like I never really understood what was going on when I worked with RoR. It incorporated so much magic that it really made me unconfident and pushed me away. I don't need to get down to bare metal but I like to have a good sense of how/why things work they way the do.

It's possible just my ignorance of Jade and Sass made the Express videos look like wizardry.

Possibly pertinent: I've worked with JavaScript and some libraries (jQuery, Dojo, Raphaeljs, ESRI) for a few years now so I'm not completely js uninitiated.

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Chris Cummings Avatar asked May 18 '11 04:05

Chris Cummings

People also ask

Should I learn Node first or Express?

I would just get going with Express. js, if you already have general knowledge about programming and JavaScript. It is very simple, so you can make a web server in one script, handlers and all. If you go for a new version of node.

Do you have to use Express with Node?

Developers need to install ExpressJS along with NodeJS to use it. There is no need to install AngularJS on their computer system to use it. Used for developing server-side and networking applications. Used for building server-side applications on NodeJS.

Can I learn Express without learning Node?

No you can't. because you should understand concepts of Java to best use the Swing package. Similarly, you should understand the concepts of Javascript and Node.

1 Answers

I don't need to get down to bare metal but I like to have a good sense of how/why things work they way the do.

Node.js on its own is quite low level. I do recommend you spend a day playing around with the http module on its own before moving onto connect.

Express builds on top of connect so if you spend a few days playing around with connect and then "upgrade" to express you can start using express without feeling like it's doing all kinds of magic.

All express will offer you from there onwards a nice routing API and a view engine.

Possibly pertinent: I've worked with JavaScript and some libraries (jQuery, Dojo, Raphaeljs, ESRI) for a few years now so I'm not completely js uninitiated.

It's important to come into node with strong JavaScript skills because it makes the learning curve a lot more manageable. The important thing to learn is the asynchronous style of programming (and not making a mess of you code!)

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Raynos Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 22:10
