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just get the names of USB devices attached to a system?




Aren't there any system calls or OS specific functions that can be called by Java to get just the names of the USB devices attached?

I've seen probably 6-7 questions here only, but everyone mentions the C++ functions GetRawInputDeviceList() etc, and they are not cross-platform compliant. Either for Windows in C# or C++ or for Linux only.

But I'm working in Java. Also, this needs to be cross platform. Atleast, it needs to be working for Windows,Linux and Mac. I can work with terminal/shell/command-prompt commands also. I guess I can run them with Java.

I've tried getFileSystemView and listRoots. But they give out names of all drives [dvd, hdd partitions,floppy etc].

I need to get only USB devices.

Please don't mention jUSB or JSR080. Why:

jUSB: access to USB devices currently requires that they be connected to a GNU/Linux host system

javax.usb: pre-alpha Windows implementation is not certified and requires a kernel driver.

usb4java: basically, it just implements JSR80 with little more abstraction, perhaps

Although to be honest I haven't tried libusb since it is in C++.

If you are going to mention APIs, mention completely tested and tried ones, that work across Linux,Windows and Mac. If that wasn't the case, I wouldn't have put this question up. I've seen the mention of jUSB, javax.usb, etc on many other posts.

like image 968
bad_keypoints Avatar asked Dec 24 '12 07:12


People also ask

Can I see a history of USB devices on my computer?

If you don't know the name of your computer, go to Settings > System > About. Your computer name is shown at the top. Click the Start button to see the USB history. You can then expand the results to see details such as the time and date it was last used.

How do I list all USB devices?

Enter the following command: Get-PnpDevice -PresentOnly | Where-Object { $_. InstanceId -match '^USB' } . That command will show a list of all present USB devices.

How do I identify an unknown USB device?

Locate any hardware devices that are reported to be unrecognized (may be indicated by a yellow ! icon, or something similar), right-click the device, and select Properties. Select the Details tab. View the plug-and-play Hardware ID information in the Property selection list.

2 Answers

You can use the jUsb API, for Linux.

Or you could launch the terminal in Linux using the Process class, and run ls -la /dev/disk/by-id/usb-* and catch the stdout to know the results.

For Windows, you can try this : How to find my USB flash drive's path with PowerShell


For Windows, another helpful utility is the devcon.exe.

For more info, check this.

EDIT 2: For Mac, you could launch the terminal using the Process class, and run system_profiler SPUSBDataType

like image 120
Kazekage Gaara Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09

Kazekage Gaara

Yoy can try javahidapi. I think it some c/c++ code and JNI. Declarated linux, mac and windows support. I have tried it with linux (ok), with clean windows in virtual box (not ok, UnsatisfiedLinkError, i think some MSVS libs was missed). If you'll compile it from source, it should work, i belive.

here is example:

import com.codeminders.hidapi.HIDDeviceInfo;
import com.codeminders.hidapi.HIDManager;

public class TestHid {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        try {
            HIDManager hidManager = HIDManager.getInstance();
            HIDDeviceInfo[] infos = hidManager.listDevices();
            for (HIDDeviceInfo info : infos) {
                System.out.println("info: " + info.toString());
        } catch (Exception ex) {

EDIT output shows only one plugged in usb device, genius laser mouse.

[grigory@gr testRSA]$ pwd
[grigory@gr testRSA]$ whoami 
[grigory@gr testRSA]$ java -cp ".:hidapi-1.1.jar" Test
libusb couldn't open USB device /dev/bus/usb/003/002: Permission denied.
libusb requires write access to USB device nodes.
info:HIDDeviceInfo [path=0003:0002:00, vendor_id=1112, product_id=58, serial_number=null, release_number=0, manufacturer_string=null, product_string=null, usage_page=0, usage=0, interface_number=0]
[grigory@gr testRSA]$ sudo java -cp ".:hidapi-1.1.jar" Test
[sudo] password for grigory: 
info:HIDDeviceInfo [path=0003:0002:00, vendor_id=1112, product_id=58, serial_number=null, release_number=0, manufacturer_string=Genius, product_string=Laser Mouse, usage_page=0, usage=0, interface_number=0]
[grigory@gr testRSA]$ 

and for fresh Windows XP it isn't work (only one windows i can find. I haven't Visual Studio for compile lib from source):

E:\testRSA\out\production\testRSA>java -cp ".;hidapi-1.1.jar" -Djava.library.pat
h="e:\testRSA\out\production\testRSA" Test
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: com.codeminders.hidap
        at com.codeminders.hidapi.HIDManager.init(Native Method)
        at com.codeminders.hidapi.HIDManager.<init>(HIDManager.java:53)
        at com.codeminders.hidapi.HIDManager.getInstance(HIDManager.java:121)
        at Test.main(Test.java:14)
like image 29
user1516873 Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09
