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JupyterLab build is suggested and successfully installed, but will not work. Why?

I'm running JupyterLab from Anaconda, and installed a JupyterLab plotly extension using:

conda install -c conda-forge jupyterlab-plotly-extension

Apparently, the installation was successful, but something is still wrong. When launching JuyterLab, I'm getting this prompt:

enter image description here

Clicking BUILD gives me this:

enter image description here

And clicking RELOAD relods JupyterLab, BUT I'm getting this again:

enter image description here

And on and on it spins. Does anyone know why?

Clicking CANCEL does not help either because plotly won't produce any plots, only blank spaces:

enter image description here

like image 383
vestland Avatar asked Jun 03 '19 10:06


People also ask

Why is my JupyterLab not launching?

Jupyter fails to start If you're using a menu shortcut or Anaconda launcher to start it, try opening a terminal or command prompt and running the command jupyter notebook . If it can't find jupyter , you may need to configure your PATH environment variable.

How do I open JupyterLab after installation?

JupyterLab will open automatically in your browser. Because JupyterLab is a server extension of the classic Jupyter Notebook server, you can launch JupyterLab by calling jupyter notebook and visiting the /lab URL.

How do I know if JupyterLab is installed?

If you wish to know where Jupyter isinstalled on your computer, you may run where jupyter in the Command prompt. If you wish to know which Python version is installed, run python or python -V or python --version .

How do I start JupyterLab prompt?

To start the JupyterLab server you will need to access the Anaconda Prompt. Press Windows Logo Key and search for Anaconda Prompt , click the result or press enter.

1 Answers


Deactivate firewall and run the following command in a windows command prompt:

jupyter lab build

The details:

This turned out to be a firewall problem, and I'm not sure why it would not be prompted as such in the JupyterLab interface. The following command in a windows command prompt returned the error message below:


jupyter lab build


C:>jupyter labextension list JupyterLab v0.34.9 Known labextensions: app dir: C:\Users*******\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\share\jupyter\lab @jupyterlab/plotly-extension v0.18.2 enabled ok

Build recommended, please run jupyter lab build: @jupyterlab/plotly-extension needs to be included in build

C:>jupyter lab build [LabBuildApp] JupyterLab 0.34.9 [LabBuildApp] Building in C:\Users*******\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\share\jupyter\lab [LabBuildApp] > node C:\Users*******\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\jupyterlab\staging\yarn.js install yarn install v1.9.4 info No lockfile found. [1/4] Resolving packages... error An unexpected error occurred: "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/@jupyterlab%2fapplication: self signed certificate in certificate chain". info If you think this is a bug, please open a bug report with the information provided in "C:\Users\*******\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\share\jupyter\lab\staging\yarn-error.log".

What pointed me towards suspecting a firewall problem was this part:

self signed certificate in certificate chain

Running the same command on less rigid fire-wall settings triggers this output (shortened):

WARNING in d3-array Multiple versions of d3-array found: 1.2.4 ./~/d3-scale/~/d3-array from ./~/d3-scale/~/d3-array\src\index.js 2.2.0 ./~/d3-array from ./~/d3-array\src\index.js

Check how you can resolve duplicate packages: https://github.com/darrenscerri/duplicate-package-checker-webpack-plugin#resolving-duplicate-packages-in-your-bundle

Child html-webpack-plugin for "index.html": 1 asset Entrypoint undefined = index.html [KTNU] ./node_modules/html-loader!./templates/partial.html 567 bytes {0} [built] [YuTi] (webpack)/buildin/module.js 497 bytes {0} [built] [aS2v] ./node_modules/html-webpack-plugin/lib/loader.js!./templates/template.html 1.22 KiB {0} [built] [yLpj] (webpack)/buildin/global.js 489 bytes {0} [built] + 1 hidden module

And despite some warning messages, JupyterLab now produces plotly figures without any problems:

enter image description here

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vestland Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 01:10
