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Jupyter windows shortcut corrupt by default

After installing Anaconda, the Jupyter notebook shortcut works fine. Other stackoverflow answers have indicated that you can change the default working directory by changing the "Start In:" field in the shortcut properties. However, if Anaconda is installed in the suggested folder for single users C:\Users\whshg0\AppData\Local\Continuum\Anaconda3\, then the Target field of the shortcut gets truncated when you edit the Start in field. Example:

C:\Users\user01\AppData\Local\Continuum\Anaconda3\python.exe C:\Users\user01\AppData\Local\Continuum\Anaconda3\cwp.py C:\Users\user01\AppData\Local\Continuum\Anaconda3 "C:/Users/user01/AppData/Local/Continuum/Anaconda3/python.exe" "C:/Users/user01/AppData/Loc

al/Continuum/Anaconda3/Scripts/jupyter-notebook-script.py" gets truncated. After you click ok, Jupyter Notebook will no longer open.

What is a fast way to rebuild the Jupyter Notebook shortcut so the Target is not limited to the 255 character limit?

like image 456
Clay Avatar asked May 03 '16 02:05


People also ask

How do I change the default path in Jupyter notebook?

1. Change Jupyter Notebook startup folder (Windows) Copy the Jupyter Notebook launcher from the menu to the desktop. Right click on the new launcher and change the Target field, change %USERPROFILE% to the full path of the folder which will contain all the notebooks.

Why Jupyter notebook is not opening?

Jupyter fails to start If you're using a menu shortcut or Anaconda launcher to start it, try opening a terminal or command prompt and running the command jupyter notebook . If it can't find jupyter , you may need to configure your PATH environment variable.

How do I make a notebook shortcut in jupyter?

Starting with Jupyter Notebook 5.0, you can customize the command mode shortcuts from within the Notebook Application itself. Head to the ``Help`` menu and select the ``Edit keyboard Shortcuts`` item. A dialog will guide you through the process of adding custom keyboard shortcuts.

How do I change the Jupyter Notebook Startup folder in Anaconda?

So let's get going and get this done. Go to the folder location C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\. jupyter and open the file named, jupyter_notebook_config.py in any text editor. Uncomment the key string by deleting the # sign and in single quotes type the location of your custom startup folder and save the changes.

What are some keyboard shortcuts for Jupyter Notebook?

For example, a person added a shortcut Ctrl-R for the restart kernel and ran all cells command. These shortcuts of the Jupyter Notebook are created on my Github repo that one can download and apply to practice these keyboard shortcuts. Note: that the shortcuts mentioned below are for Linux and Windows users.

Is it possible to change the default working directory in Jupyter?

18 8 After installing Anaconda, the Jupyter notebook shortcut works fine. Other stackoverflow answers have indicated that you can change the default working directory by changing the "Start In:" field in the shortcut properties.

How to launch Jupyter in Windows 10?

Also, we can make a shortcut on our desktop to launch jupyter. Follow this path Right click on the desktop > New > Shortcut to create a shortcut link. It will open a window and will ask you to input location path.

How do I add Jupyter keys to the context menu?

When you select one of the new keys you should see something like this on the right panel: Double click on the default attribute and fill the value data field with the text that you want to appear on the context menu for that key: “Open folder in AnacondaPrompt”, “Open with JupyterLab”, and “Open with Jupyter Notebook” for example.

2 Answers

I was able to remake the shortcut by pointing the shortcut to:


I lost the icon but I'm sure with some searching I can find it again.

like image 128
Matt Camp Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 23:10

Matt Camp

In Environment variables create System variable Anaconda3 (or other name) with the value:


Then substitute first 3 entries of:


in Shortcut -> Target with %Anaconda3%. This will make the target line length < 255.

like image 33
Leo Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 01:10
