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jupyter notebook import error: no module named 'matplotlib'

I'm an ubuntu 16.4 user and I installed anaconda3 and using both python2 and python3 kernels.

>>>jupyter kernelspec list Available kernels: python2 /home/peterkim/.local/share/jupyter/kernels/python2 python3 /home/peterkim/anaconda3/share/jupyter/kernels/python3

and.. the problem was that I don't know where/how to install packages in order to for my python2 jupyter notebook not to make error 'no module named ...'. I tried pip install matplotlib and conda install matplotlib and I also appended '/home//anaconda2/pkgs' to the sys.path.

(I also installed anaconda2 in search of the way of using parallel kernels. After I realised that anaconda2 was not needed. but I didn't uninstall it.)


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Peter Kim Avatar asked Apr 16 '17 13:04

Peter Kim

2 Answers

When using python3 version of jupyter (pip3 install jupyter), matplotlib has to be installed using pip3: pip3 install matplotlib

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logcat Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 16:10


For those still looking for a solution, especially using virtualenv, this worked for me:

1 - Inside your project directory, create a virtual environment. You may have to install virtualenv in case you don't have it

virtualenv myenv --python=python3.7

2 - Install matplotlib inside of your virtual env:

pip3 install matplotlib

3 - Install ipykernel inside your virtual env

pip3 install ipykernel

4 - Connect your jupyter kernel to your new environment. You may have to use sudo here

python3 -m ipykernel install --name=myenv

5 - When you start your jupyter lab, you will have the option to select your env, which has matplotlib installed

enter image description here

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lucianokrebs Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 17:10
