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Junit before class ( non static )




Are there any best practices to get Junit execute a function once in a test file , and it should also not be static.

like @BeforeClass on non static function?

Here is an ugly solution :

@Before void init(){     if (init.get() == false){         init.set(true);         // do once block     } } 

well this is something i dont want to do , and i am looking for an integrated junit solution.

like image 631
Roman Avatar asked May 13 '10 09:05


People also ask

Does BeforeClass have to be static?

JUnit's @BeforeClass annotation must be declared static if you want it to run once before all the @Test methods. However, this cannot be used with dependency injection.

What is the difference between @before and @BeforeClass annotation?

The code marked @Before is executed before each test, while @BeforeClass runs once before the entire test fixture.

What will happen when a JUnit return type is changed from void to any other type?

All the JUnit test methods should have a void return type. otherwise it will be ignored. If the return type of a test method is changed, it would not be considered as a test method and would be ignored during execution of tests.

2 Answers

A simple if statement seems to work pretty well too:

@RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class) @ContextConfiguration(locations = {"classpath:test-context.xml"}) public class myTest {      public static boolean dbInit = false;      @Autowired     DbUtils dbUtils;      @Before     public void setUp(){          if(!dbInit){              dbUtils.dropTables();             dbUtils.createTables();             dbInit = true;          }     }   ... 
like image 124
Upgradingdave Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 10:09


To use an empty constructor is the easiest solution. You can still override the constructor in the extended class.

But it's not optimal with all the inheritance. That's why JUnit 4 uses annotations instead.

Another option is to create a helper method in a factory/util class and let that method do the work.

If you're using Spring, you should consider using the @TestExecutionListeners annotation. Something like this test:

@RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class) @TestExecutionListeners({CustomTestExecutionListener.class,       DependencyInjectionTestExecutionListener.class}) @ContextConfiguration("test-config.xml") public class DemoTest { 

Spring's AbstractTestExecutionListener contains for example this empty method that you can override:

public void beforeTestClass(TestContext testContext) throws Exception {     /* no-op */ } 

NOTE: DO NOT overlook/miss DependencyInjectionTestExecutionListener while adding custom TestExecutionListeners. If you do, all the autowires will be null.

like image 33
Espen Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 10:09
