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Jumping Vs. Gravity





I'm working on my first XNA 2D game and I have a little problem. If I jump, my sprite jumps but does not fall down. And I also have another problem, the user can hold spacebar to jump as high as he wants and I don't know how to keep him from doing that. Here's my code: The Jump :

    if (FaKeyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Space))
            Jumping = true;
            xPosition -= new Vector2(0, 5);

        if (xPosition.Y >= 10)
            Jumping = false;
            Grounded = false;

The really simple basic Gravity:

    if (!Grounded && !Jumping)
            xPosition += new Vector2(1, 3) * speed;

Here's where's the grounded is set to True or False with a Collision

    Rectangle MegamanRectangle = new Rectangle((int)xPosition.X, (int)xPosition.Y, FrameSizeDraw.X, FrameSizeDraw.Y);
        Rectangle Block1Rectangle = new Rectangle((int)0, (int)73, Block1.Width, Block1.Height);
        Rectangle Block2Rectangle = new Rectangle((int)500, (int)73, Block2.Width, Block2.Height);

        if ((MegamanRectangle.Intersects(Block1Rectangle) || (MegamanRectangle.Intersects(Block2Rectangle))))
            Grounded = true;
            Grounded = false;

The grounded bool and The gravity have been tested and are working. Any ideas why? Thanks in advance and don't hesitate to ask if you need another Part of the Code.

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phadaphunk Avatar asked Dec 01 '11 03:12


People also ask

How does gravity affect a jump?

Starting with the takeoff, the acceleration of earth gravity will slow down the movement of the jumper until velocity reaches zero at the peak of the jump. After that, the downward motion will be accelerated by gravity until landing.

How do you do a gravity jump?

Down, up + jump. You can also do a diagonal gravity jump by pressing Down, Up/Left + Jump or Down, Up/Right + Jump.

How can a person jump if earth's gravity is so strong?

Because, briefly, their legs can generate a greater force than that of gravity acting on their mass. That's enough to get a human off the ground. How strong even is gravity? Gravity on Earth accelerates you at about 9.8 meters per second per second.

3 Answers

A relatively simple way to handle jumping is to implement gravity as a vector and jumping/moving as an impulse.

For example:

foreach (Object obj in GameWorld)
    obj.Velocity *= 0.5; // Slow it down slightly
    obj.Velocity += GravityPerSecond * FrameTime; // Gravity adjusted for time
    obj.Move(obj.Velocity); // Handle collision and movement here

The velocity should be a vector with the same dimensions as the world, and Move a method that moves the object as far as possible in the vector given.

Jump code:

OnKeyDown(Key k)
    if (k == Key.Space)
        obj.Velocity += Vector2(0, 10); // Add an upward impulse

This will cause the object to move up for a bit, then begin to fall. You can use similar impulses for other effects (movement, explosions, collision). You will need to have collision modify the velocity when two objects collide, for bouncing.

This is an extremely simple physics system that will make future changes much simpler, and could allow some interesting level design (change gravity and such). It simplifies handling jumping by abstracting it out from complex IsJumping code to a single mechanic.

To prevent jumping without standing on an object, you'd need to do a collision test, or track when objects collide/stop colliding for the down direction. It might also be possible to check if the object's vertical velocity is zero and allow jumping only then (would prevent jumping while falling or moving up).

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ssube Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 20:10


I believe this might be the answer:

change your

    if (FaKeyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Space))
        Jumping = true;
        xPosition -= new Vector2(0, 5);

    if (xPosition.Y >= 10)
        Jumping = false;
        Grounded = false;


    if (!Jumping && FaKeyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Space))
        Jumping = true;
        Grounded = false;

    if (Jumping)
        xPosition -= new Vector2(0, 5);

    if (xPosition.Y >= 10)
        Jumping = false;

The other answers given with velocity are really better approaches, but this might be close enough to get you started again.

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Larry Smithmier Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 20:10

Larry Smithmier

Here is a very rustic solution to making a jump go up and down:

const float SCALE = 20.0f; //SPEED!!!
if (jump <= 15 && jump != 0)
                humanPosition.Y -= SCALE * speed;
            else if (jump > 15)
                humanPosition.Y += SCALE * speed;
                if (jump == 32)
                    jump = 0;
                    humanPosition.Y = 307;

And is activated by

            else if (keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Up))
            jump = 1;
            humanPosition.Y -= SCALE * speed;

What this does is set in motion the jump by setting it to 1 Also if you want to restrict jumping to only when the character is on the ground you can add a condition similar to this

if (humanPosition.Y != GROUNDLEVEL){}
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NicoTek Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 20:10
