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Julia parallel computing in IPython Jupyter

I'm preparing a small presentation in Ipython where I want to show how easy it is to do parallel operation in Julia.

It's basically a Monte Carlo Pi calculation described here

The problem is that I can't make it work in parallel inside an IPython (Jupyter) Notebook, it only uses one.

I started Julia as: julia -p 4

If I define the functions inside the REPL and run it there it works ok.

@everywhere function compute_pi(N::Int)
    Compute pi with a Monte Carlo simulation of N darts thrown in [-1,1]^2
    Returns estimate of pi
    n_landed_in_circle = 0  
    for i = 1:N
        x = rand() * 2 - 1  # uniformly distributed number on x-axis
        y = rand() * 2 - 1  # uniformly distributed number on y-axis

        r2 = x*x + y*y  # radius squared, in radial coordinates
        if r2 < 1.0
            n_landed_in_circle += 1
    return n_landed_in_circle / N * 4.0    


function parallel_pi_computation(N::Int; ncores::Int=4)
    Compute pi in parallel, over ncores cores, with a Monte Carlo simulation throwing N total darts
    # compute sum of pi's estimated among all cores in parallel
    sum_of_pis = @parallel (+) for i=1:ncores

    return sum_of_pis / ncores  # average value


julia> @time parallel_pi_computation(int(1e9))
elapsed time: 2.702617652 seconds (93400 bytes allocated)

But when I do:

 using IJulia

And try to do the same thing inside the Notebook it only uses 1 core:

In [5]:  @time parallel_pi_computation(int(10e8))
elapsed time: 10.277870808 seconds (219188 bytes allocated)

Out[5]:  3.141679988

So, why isnt Jupyter using all the cores? What can I do to make it work?


like image 978
epx Avatar asked Jun 23 '15 20:06


People also ask

Can you use Julia in jupyter notebook?

Summary. You should now have successfully installed Julia in Jupyter and also be able to mix and match Julia and Python code in the same Jupyter notebook.

Can jupyter notebook run parallel?

Using ipyparallel (You shouldn't use the standalone Open OnDemand server as that only provides a single compute core.) To run code in parallel across cores on one node, you can start up with workers and run your parallel code all within your notebook, as described here.

1 Answers

Using addprocs(4) as the first command in your notebook should provide four workers for doing parallel operations from within your notebook.

like image 131
rickhg12hs Avatar answered Dec 19 '22 13:12
