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Julia package load extremely slow in first run

I'm using Julia 1.5.2 under Linux 5.4.0 and waited around 15 minutes for Pkg.add("DifferentialEquations"). Then I started the Kernel in Jupyter Notebook and ran the following code. It took terribly 1 minute to execute (the actual first time that I did this it took 225s).

t = time()
using Printf
using BenchmarkTools
using OrdinaryDiffEq
using Plots
tt = time() - t
@sprintf("It took %f seconds to import Printf, BenchmarkTools, OrdinaryDiffEq and Plots.", tt)
# It took 58.545894 seconds to import Printf, BenchmarkTools, OrdinaryDiffEq and Plots.

Finally, I done the same as above, but for each package. This is the summary:

Printf:           0.004755973815917969
BenchmarkTools:   0.06729602813720703
Plots:            19.99405598640442
OrdinaryDiffEq:   19.001102209091187

I know from here that Pkg was slow in the past, but I think that 15 minutes isn't a normal installing time at all. However, this is not my big problem.

I know that Julia needs to compile everything everytime the Kernel is started or some package is loaded. But it obviously is not a compilation time, it's a compilation eternity.

Can anyone figure out why this is so terribly slow? And, if it's normal, wouldn't it be better to provide precompiled packages to Pkg such as numpy and friends are in Python? Or at least compile forever in the first using?

Thank you!

My complete Platform Info:

Julia Version 1.5.2
Commit 539f3ce943 (2020-09-23 23:17 UTC)
Platform Info:
  OS: Linux (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
  CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-6100U CPU @ 2.30GHz
  LIBM: libopenlibm
  LLVM: libLLVM-9.0.1 (ORCJIT, skylake)
like image 417
Héliton Martins Avatar asked Oct 29 '20 03:10

Héliton Martins

1 Answers

This problem is generally called latency or time-to-first-plot (TTFP) when referring to julia-lang. There are some discussions you can find when using these keywords.

A nice recent analysis of this problem is assessed in the article "Analyzing sources of compiler latency in Julia: method invalidations"

At the time of writing (end 2020, stable release v1.5.3), no general solution is available but strategies of massive precompilation of packages instead of JIT is discussed, with marginal success.

like image 140
Andre Wildberg Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 09:11

Andre Wildberg