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JTextArea not displaying text

In my function for displaying text in textarea,i have written following lines of code but it is not displaying any text

        jTextArea1.setText( Packet +"\n" +jTextArea1.getText());

I am using swingworker for performing background task,here is my code

public class SaveTraffic extends SwingWorker<Void, Void> {

public GUI f = new GUI();

public Void doInBackground() throws IOException {
              //some code
              return null;
             }//end main function

public void done() {
    System.out.println("I am DONE");


public void sendPacket(String Packet) {



and the following lines of code i have written in my GUI form

 public  void showPackets(String Packet) {

 jTextArea1.append( Packet);


Solution: public class SaveTraffic extends SwingWorker {

     public GUI f = new GUI();

    public Void doInBackground() throws IOException {
   // some code


   // the method below is calling sendPacket on the background thread
   // which then calls showPackets on the background thread
   // which then appends text into the JTextArea on the background thread

    return null;

   protected void process(List<String> chunks) {
   for (String text : chunks) {

  public void done() {
   System.out.println("I am DONE");



like image 567
Xara Avatar asked Dec 12 '22 02:12


1 Answers

Instead of using setText() use append()

like image 78
OmniOwl Avatar answered Dec 28 '22 06:12
