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JSTL escapeXml default





I know to avoid escaping HTML characters in JSTL to use this:

<c:out value="${my.value}" escapeXml="false" />

I am wondering if there exists a page directive to make escapeXml false by default, so I need not specify it on that particular page.

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wavetree Avatar asked Apr 11 '13 20:04


1 Answers

The above does not escape HTML, since escapeXml is set to false. By default, escapeXml is true, and the <c:out> tag thus escapes the HTML. If you don't want to escape, you could simply use


and avoid using <c:out> completely, since the only purpose of <c:out> is to escape HTML.

like image 128
JB Nizet Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 15:11

JB Nizet