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jstat: difference between OGC & OC, PGC & PC

I'm learning about jstat and what it can tell me about the JVM's different generations. From the jstat docs I understand the new gen is made up of eden, s0 and s1. For example, if you do the math on the following, you see that NGC = EC + S0C + S1C. Great stuff.

$ jstat -gccapacity -t 21830 5000
Timestamp        NGCMN    NGCMX     NGC     S0C   S1C       EC      OGCMN      OGCMX           OGC         OC      PGCMN    PGCMX     PGC       PC     YGC    FGC 
       248767.4   2624.0  87360.0   6656.0  640.0  640.0   5376.0     5376.0   174784.0    12840.0    12840.0  21248.0 131072.0  34304.0  34304.0    457    73
       248772.4   2624.0  87360.0   6656.0  640.0  640.0   5376.0     5376.0   174784.0    12840.0    12840.0  21248.0 131072.0  34304.0  34304.0    457    73
       248777.3   2624.0  87360.0   6656.0  640.0  640.0   5376.0     5376.0   174784.0    12840.0    12840.0  21248.0 131072.0  34304.0  34304.0    457    73

I'm wondering what's the difference between:

  • OGC (Current old generation capacity (KB)) and
  • OC (Current old space capacity (KB)).

And similarly for:

  • PGC (Current Permanent generation capacity (KB)) and
  • PC (Current Permanent space capacity (KB)).

Each pair has the same value, at least for me, right now. Is there ever anything in the old generation beside the old space?

Edit: I don't think there is a difference, but I'll leave this question up just in case.
like image 744
Steve Kehlet Avatar asked Jun 28 '12 21:06

Steve Kehlet

People also ask

What is a jstat?

jstat is a simple utility tool, that is present in JDK to provide JVM performance-related statistics like garbage collection, compilation activities. The major strength of jstat is its ability to capture these metrics dynamically when JVM is running without any pre-requisite instrumentation.

What is Jstat used for?

The jstat utility uses the built-in instrumentation in the Java HotSpot VM to provide information about performance and resource consumption of running applications. The tool can be used when diagnosing performance issues, and in particular issues related to heap sizing and garbage collection.

What is jstat in linux?

The jstat command displays performance statistics for an instrumented Java HotSpot VM. The target JVM is identified by its virtual machine identifier, or vmid option. The jstat command supports two types of options, general options and output options.

What is FGC Java?

FGC : Number of full GC events. FGCT : Full garbage collection time. GCT : Total garbage collection time. -printcompilation option. Java HotSpot VM compiler method statistics.

1 Answers

I just seek from the jdk source

in short: OGC = sum(all OC)

A gen may contain MORE THAN ONE spaces.

However, Hotspot old gen has only 1 space ( young gen has 3: eden , s0 and s1 ), jstat shows the same value for them.


from jdk/src/share/classes/sun/tools/jstat/resources/jstat_options

I got

OGC = sun.gc.generation.1.capacity

OC = sun.gc.generation.1.space.0.capacity

  column {
    header "^OGC^"  /* Old Generation Capacity - Current */
    data sun.gc.generation.1.capacity
    scale K
    align right
    width 11
    format "0.0"
  column {
    header "^OC^"   /* Old Space Capacity - Current */
    data sun.gc.generation.1.space.0.capacity
    scale K
    align right
    width 11
    format "0.0"


run groovy code below to examine

import java.lang.management.ManagementFactory
import sun.jvmstat.monitor.*;

name = ManagementFactory.runtimeMXBean.name
pid  = name[0..<name.indexOf('@')]
vmId = new VmIdentifier(pid)
vm   = MonitoredHost.getMonitoredHost(vmId).getMonitoredVm(vmId, 0)

println 'Y count :' + vm.findByName('sun.gc.generation.0.spaces').longValue()
println 'O count :' + vm.findByName('sun.gc.generation.1.spaces').longValue()

output is:

Y count :3
O count :1

You can do the same for GEN.2 (PERM GEN)

like image 71
farmer1992 Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 00:10
