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JSR - 349 bean validation for Spring @RestController with Spring Boot

I am using Spring Boot 1.5.2.RELEASE and not able to incorporate JSR - 349 ( bean validation 1.1 ) for @RequestParam & @PathVariable at method itself.

For POST requests, if method parameter is a Java POJO then annotating that parameter with @Valid is working fine but annotating @RequestParam & @PathVariable with something like @NotEmpty, @Email not working.

I have annotated controller class with Spring's @Validated

There are lots of questions on SO and I have commented on this answer that its not working for me.

Spring Boot includes - validation-api-1.1.0.Final.jar and hibernate-validator-5.3.4.Final.jar .

Am I missing anything?

Example code ,

@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/testValidated", consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public ResponseBean<String> testValidated(@Email @NotEmpty @RequestParam("email") String email) {
    ResponseBean<String> response = new ResponseBean<>();
    logger.error("Validator Not called");
    return response; 

Below handler is never called when I send empty values or not well formed email address for email & control always goes to with in testValidated method.

public ResponseBean handle(ConstraintViolationException exception) {

    StringBuilder messages = new StringBuilder();
    ResponseBean response = new ResponseBean();

    exception.getConstraintViolations().forEach(entry -> messages.append(entry.getMessage() + "\n"));

    return response;

ResponseBean<T> is my application specific class.

like image 562
Sabir Khan Avatar asked Jun 02 '17 04:06

Sabir Khan

1 Answers

I had asked the question after more than two days of unsuccessful hit & trial. Lots of confusing answers are out there because of confusions around Spring Validations and JSR validations, how Spring invokes JSR validators, changes in JSR standards & types of validations supported.

Finally, this article helped a lot.

I solved problem in two steps,

1.Added following beans to my Configuration - without these beans , nothing works.

public MethodValidationPostProcessor methodValidationPostProcessor() {
    MethodValidationPostProcessor mvProcessor = new MethodValidationPostProcessor();
    return mvProcessor;

public LocalValidatorFactoryBean validator() {
    LocalValidatorFactoryBean validator = new LocalValidatorFactoryBean();
    return validator;

2.Placed Spring's @Validated annotation on my controller like below,

public class MyRestController {

Validated is - org.springframework.validation.annotation.Validated

This set up doesn't affected @Valid annotations for @RequestBody validations in same controller and those continued to work as those were.

So now, I can trigger validations like below for methods in MyRestController class,

@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/testValidated" , consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public ResponseBean<String> testValidated(
        @Email(message="email RequestParam is not a valid email address") 
        @NotEmpty(message="email RequestParam is empty") 
        @RequestParam("email") String email) {
    ResponseBean<String> response = new ResponseBean<>();
    return response; 

I had to add another handler in exception handler for exception - ConstraintViolationException though since @Validated throws this exception while @Valid throws MethodArgumentNotValidException

like image 97
Sabir Khan Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 21:11

Sabir Khan