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JSP EL and autoCompletion

In my servlet:

request.setAttribute("list", myList);

In my Jsp:

<c:forEach var="item" items="${list}">
   ${item.name} and ${item.address}

How do I get autocompletion for item.name and item.address in IDE (IntelliJ)?

Can I use <jsp:useBean> for any other feature to make the type of 'item' explicit?

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Rejeev Divakaran Avatar asked Aug 03 '13 23:08

Rejeev Divakaran

1 Answers

For IntelliJ, you can use comment annotations, such as this:

<%--@elvariable id="list" type="java.util.List<your.item.class.Here>"--%>

To get this automatically, IntelliJ should be coloring ${items} as a warning, since it wont have any idea what it is. Click on it and when the lightbulb pops up, click the option "Declare external variable in comment annotation." That will generate a comment annotation such as the one listed above.

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Steven Benitez Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 09:10

Steven Benitez