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jsoup thread safety




Jsoup parse(String html) is not ducumented as thread safe. How do you parse multiple documents with Jsoup concurrently? Thanks

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Sam Adamsh Avatar asked Nov 18 '12 23:11

Sam Adamsh

2 Answers

By using Joup.parse.

As long as you're not working on the same document, it creates new object internally.


This comes up from time to time; it's probably worth filing a documentation issue against this.

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Dave Newton Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 21:09

Dave Newton

Looking at the Jsoup.java source code it doesn't have any state and both parse() methods are delegating to Parser.parse() that is internally creating and delegating to a TreeBuilder.parse(). Both Jsoup and Parser classes have no state and are only holding static methods. TreeBuilder class though has a state and seems to be doing all the work but it's created from within a method therefore the whole operation is thread-safe by virtue of stack/thread confinement.

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dimitrisli Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 23:09
