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jsoup query multiple selector



I have the following html:


Is there a better way to select all anchors than div > h1 > a, div > h2 > a, div > h3 > a. I'm looking for something like div > (h1,h2,h3) > a

Thanks, Trung

like image 277
Nguyen Tuan Trung Avatar asked Oct 18 '12 17:10

Nguyen Tuan Trung

2 Answers

It's possible to achieve this:


alternatively, if you just need the anchors inside of the div:

like image 183
Alex Ackerman Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 14:11

Alex Ackerman

You can select h1,h2,h3 elements using select("h1,h2,h3")

like image 43
Sai Sunder Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 16:11

Sai Sunder