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json error Bad JSON escape sequence


People also ask

How would you handle a bad JSON escape sequence?

Solution. Remove the backslash character from every activity name and/or description in your process.

What is escape sequence in JSON?

The following characters are reserved characters and can not be used in JSON and must be properly escaped to be used in strings. Backspace to be replaced with \b. Form feed to be replaced with \f. Newline to be replaced with \n. Carriage return to be replaced with \r.

How do you fix an invalid escape character in a string?

Resolving The Problem Regex r = new Regex("\(HelloWorld\)"); which generates the Invalid escape sequence error. To re-iterate, the backslash character can be used as an escape sequence for a regular expression in a recognition property or a verification point.

Does JSON support escape characters?

In JSON the only characters you must escape are \, ", and control codes. Thus in order to escape your structure, you'll need a JSON specific function.

I am working with json but i got an error Bad JSON escape sequence

    var model = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<test>(def);
public class test
        public string test123 { get; set; }

My json def is "{\"test123 \": \"î'ï\u0014¹\u0019ö\\±ýŽ± \u0013Eú\", }"