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JS quote best practices? ES6 / React -- single, double, backticks?

All of these work of course, but which one is the best practice for ES6 in a jsx file? (ignoring the formatting). It is my understanding that template strings are meant mostly (solely?) for descriptive console logging and not for regular usage?

<div className={`dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-media`}/>
<div className={"dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-media"}/>
<div className={'dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-media'}/>

I realize there is no functional difference between single and double quotes (unless you are alternating between the two to avoid escaping)... but... is one or the other more common or is it "completely" a matter of 'taste' ? i.e. if you were going through code and saw single and double quotes randomly changing for the same case / usage, and you had to make it uniform, which would you use?

const inputProps = {
      onChange: this.onChange,
      className: 'form-control',
      id: "someId",
      status: 'active',
      isOpen: "open"
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Kirk Ross Avatar asked May 26 '17 18:05

Kirk Ross

People also ask

Should I use single quotes or double quotes react?

Single Quotes are More Common A few repositories of popular JavaScript projects reveals that single quotes are favored over double quotes. You can see that front-end libraries (React, Angualar) have more double quotes than the other libraries as might have to do with the presence of HTML fragments.

Is it better to use single or double quotes in JavaScript?

Both single (' ') and double (" ") quotes are used to represent a string in Javascript. Choosing a quoting style is up to you and there is no special semantics for one style over the other. Nevertheless, it is important to note that there is no type for a single character in javascript, everything is always a string!

Should I use single or double quotes in JSON?

As said, JSON is not Python syntax. You need to use double quotes in JSON. Its creator is (in-)famous for using strict subsets of allowable syntax to ease programmer cognitive overload.

What is the difference between single double and Backtick quotes for strings?

As you may have understood now, there is no real difference between using single quotes, double quotes, or backticks. You can choose one or multiple styles based on your preference. However, It is always good to stick to a single format throughout the project to keep it neat and consistent.

1 Answers

When working with JSX best practice is to use double quotes directly (no-braces) if just a simple string, or use backtick if interpolating a var into the string

JSX attempts to mimics HTML attributes making it more accessible when learning for first time, and beyond that I find it provides a clear visual distinction between JSX attributes and ordinary strings when scanning code, as they are likely syntax highlighted the same colour

In more general usage...

Backticks are ES6 introduction for template literals and should really only be used for that UNLESS you want to do a multiline string

There is no difference whatsoever between the single and double quotes, however in my experience there has been for a long time a move towards using single quotes (supported by linters) simply because it makes for less cluttered readable code

Sticking to a single code style across projects and enforcing via linting is also a good idea because it reduces escaping mistakes

It often depends on the other languages you have used as some languages allow interpolation in one or the other or in Java for example single quotes denote char rather than String

For what its worth here's my preference for the above reasons...

const awardWinningActor = 'Nic Cage'

const oscarNight = `And the award for Best Actor goes to ${awardWinningActor}`

const winnersSpeech = `Some really long but also totally awesome amazing speech
and also possibly some screaming and a leather jacket slung into the crowd`

<NicCage oscarFor="Best Actor" says={`Here's my ${winnersSpeech}`}} />
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alechill Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 02:11
