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jQuery/javascript replace tag type


Is there an easy way to loop through all td tags and change them to th? (etc).

My current approach would be to wrap them with the th and then remove the td, but then I lose other properties etc.

like image 755
Matrym Avatar asked May 12 '10 01:05


People also ask

How to replace HTML element in jQuery?

To replace a DOM element with the specified HTML or DOM elements using jQuery, use the replaceWith() method. The replaceWith (content) method replaces all matched elements with the specified HTML or DOM elements. This returns the JQuery element that was just replaced, which has been removed from the DOM.

How do I change a tag name?

Choose the Tag you want to rename. Right-click on it and choose Rename to rename the Tag. You can also click on the name of the Tag to rename quickly. Change the name from the colors to anything you like and hit Enter.

2 Answers


The following is a jQuery plugin to replace the tag name of DOM elements.


(function($) {     $.fn.replaceTagName = function(replaceWith) {         var tags = [],             i    = this.length;         while (i--) {             var newElement = document.createElement(replaceWith),                 thisi      = this[i],                 thisia     = thisi.attributes;             for (var a = thisia.length - 1; a >= 0; a--) {                 var attrib = thisia[a];                 newElement.setAttribute(attrib.name, attrib.value);             };             newElement.innerHTML = thisi.innerHTML;             $(thisi).after(newElement).remove();             tags[i] = newElement;         }         return $(tags);     }; })(window.jQuery); 

Minified Source

(function(e){e.fn.replaceTagName=function(t){var n=[],r=this.length;while(r--){var i=document.createElement(t),s=this[r],o=s.attributes;for(var u=o.length-1;u>=0;u--){var a=o[u];i.setAttribute(a.name,a.value)}i.innerHTML=s.innerHTML;e(s).after(i).remove();n[r]=i}return e(n)}})(window.jQuery); 


Include the above minified source in your javascript after jQuery.

Then you can use the plugin like this:

$('div').replaceTagName('span'); // replace all divs with spans 

Or in your case this:


jQuery selectors work as expected

$('.replace_us').replaceTagName('span'); // replace all elements with "replace_us" class with spans $('#replace_me').replaceTagName('div'); // replace the element with the id "replace_me" 

More resources

jsFiddle with Qunit tests

like image 113
Will Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 14:09


Completely untested, but giving this a whirl:

$("td").each(function(index) {   var thisTD = this;   var newElement = $("<th></th>");   $.each(this.attributes, function(index) {     $(newElement).attr(thisTD.attributes[index].name, thisTD.attributes[index].value);   });   $(this).after(newElement).remove(); }); 

I'm looking and looking at it, and I can't think of a reason why it wouldn't work!

1) loop through each td element
2) create a new th element
3) for each of those td's, loop over each of its attributes
4) add that attribute and value to the new th element
5) once all attributes are in place, add the element to the DOM right after the td, and remove the td

Edit: works fine: http://jsbin.com/uqofu3/edit

like image 37
GlenCrawford Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 14:09
