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jquery.extend(true, [], obj) not creating a deep copy

jsFiddle here.

If deep copying worked, the output would be "Curious George" and not "Ender's Game". How can I make a deep copy? An answer to this question indicates that $.extend(true, [], obj) creates a deep copy. Yet my example shows that it doesn't.

function Person(){}
Person.prototype.favorite_books = [];

var george = new Person();
george.favorite_books = ["Curious George"];

var kate = new Person();
kate.favorite_books = ["The Da Vinci Code", "Harry Potter"];

var people = [kate, george];

var people_copy = $.extend(true, [], people);
people_copy[0].favorite_books[0] = "Ender's Game";



I updated the jsFiddle. It turns out I need to deep copy each object in the array individually if the object is a custom object (that is, $.isPlainObject returns false).

like image 362
Rose Perrone Avatar asked May 12 '13 22:05

Rose Perrone

2 Answers

And now here is the real answer:

At the moment jQuery can only clone plain JavaScript Objects, while you're using custom ones. And that's obvious, since jQuery cannot know how exactly to instantiate a new custom object. So this works as expected:

var george = {};
george.favorite_books = ["Curious George"];

var kate = {};
kate.favorite_books = ["The Da Vinci Code", "Harry Potter"];

var people = [kate, george];

var people_copy = $.extend(true, [], people);

console.log(people_copy[0].favorite_books == people[0].favorite_books);

Reference to a jQuery code: https://github.com/jquery/jquery/blob/master/src/core.js#L305

See that it checks if it's jQuery.isPlainObject(copy) or it's an array. Otherwise it performs just a reference copy.

like image 93
zerkms Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 09:10


This is how I've done it after trying many approaches:

var newArray = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(orgArray));

This will create a new deep copy, not a shallow copy.

Also this obviously will not clone events and functions, but the good thing is you can do it in one line, and it can be used for any king of object (arrays, strings, numbers, objects, etc.).

like image 39
Chtiwi Malek Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 08:10

Chtiwi Malek