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jquery.click() not working in iOS



<div id="footer">     <a class="button1 selected" id="button1" href="#"><div class="icon"></div><div class="text">Option 1</div></a>     <a class="button2" id="button2" href="#"><div class="icon"></div><div class="text">Option 2</div></a>     <a class="button3" id="button3" href="#"><div class="icon"></div><div class="text">Option 3</div></a>     <a class="button4" id="button4" href="#"><div class="icon"></div><div class="text">Option 4</div></a> </div> 


$('#button1').click(function() {     alert('button1'); });  $('#button2').click(function() {     alert('button2'); }); 

Now, this script works perfectly on my PC Browser but it doesn't work on iOS. I've tried this solution too: $(document).click() not working correctly on iPhone. jquery but it doesen't work.

I am using on jQuery 1.8.3, no jQuery Mobile (I prefer not to).

Somebody can help me with this?

like image 878
Ganikkost Avatar asked Feb 26 '13 17:02


2 Answers

Try to add a pointer cursor to the button and use .on to bind the click event.

$('#button1').css('cursor','pointer'); $(document).on('click', '#button1',  function(event) {     event.preventDefault();     alert('button1'); }); 
like image 175
Derek Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09


I came across this: http://www.quirksmode.org/blog/archives/2014/02/mouse_event_bub.html

In short, one of these conditions needs to be met for iOS browsers to generate click events from touch-events:

  1. The target element of the event is a link or a form field.
  2. The target element, or any of its ancestors up to but not including the <body>, has an explicit event handler set for any of the mouse events. This event handler may be an empty function.
  3. The target element, or any of its ancestors up to and including the document has a cursor: pointer CSS declarations.
like image 43
Yacuzo Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 15:09
