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jQuery UI's sortable and backbone.js

I have a backbone.js project I have been working on, and I have it setup so that I can drag and drop rows (which are backbone.js models) and with the help of the jQuery UI update event I am able to make my models re-figure their order and everything is well. I was wondering if anyone new a cleaner way to make this happen. I have included some code below.

$( ".section" ).sortable({items: 'tr', update: function()
    console.log("Event Fire!");

secv is my View for the model that holds the table. The mySort function goes through and figures out the order of the elements and does the necessary updating.

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Jason Avatar asked Jul 05 '11 21:07


1 Answers

I'm presuming you are setting the collection property in the View perhaps in the initialize method. In that same method, you should bind a view method to the collection's 'change' or 'refresh' event. This method would simply redraw the sorted collection; sorting the collection prior to doing so if necessary.

In theory, your model would have potentially updated itself with its new position and if the collection has a comparator function, the collection would automatically resort itself. If this is the case, binding to the 'refresh' event of the collection would trigger the above-mentioned method which needs only to re-render the collection portion of the view.

like image 80
Bill Eisenhauer Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 08:10

Bill Eisenhauer