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jQuery UI Tabs and Highcharts display/rendering issue

Anyone ever used the tabs (jquery-ui-1.8.9) and pie charts from Highcharts 2.1.4 together? To put it simply, I have multiple tabs, where each tab shows a pie chart with different data. The charts DO render to the divs, but when I click on the 2nd tab, the chart somehow shows up 300px to the right of where it's suppose to be. Whenever I zoom in or out of the browser window, the chart goes back to the correction position.

My code:

//Suppose the number tabs are generated based on variable $count, and there are 2 tabs

<script type="text/javascript">

var chart_tab_<?=count?>;

$(document).ready(function() {
    chart_tab_<?=count?> = new Highcharts.Chart({
      chart: {
         renderTo: 'chart_tab_<?=count?>',
         // blah blah

    <div id="chart_tab_<?=count?>"></div>

Again, the chart renders, but on the 2nd tab the display is bugged.

Update: I know that this KIND OF fixes the problem:

<script type="text/javascript"> 
   $(document).ready(function() {
      $( "#tabs" ).tabs({
          cookie: { expires: 1 }
      $( "#tabs" ).tabs({
          select: function(event, ui) { window.location.reload(); }

But it's really crappy because the page has to be reloaded every time a user clicks on the tab. Any ideas would be great.

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Brian Avatar asked Apr 16 '11 16:04


3 Answers

This is my solution (only tested in Safari and Firefox). It works great if you want to load the chart into a hidden tab on a page with flexible width. The chart resize if the browser window is resized.

In the chart settings, set the width of the chart from the tab that opens on page load (using jQuery to get the width):

   var chart = new Highcharts.Chart({
     chart: {
       renderTo: 'container',
       type: 'column',
       width: $('#tab-1').width()

The following function adjusts width if the browser window is resized. 500 is the height. This is done automatically if the width is not specified in the chart options.

$(window).resize(function() {
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LordNelson Avatar answered Jan 12 '23 09:01


Modification needed in order to make Highcharts work in hidden jQuery tabs. By default, jQuery sets display: none to hidden tabs, but with this approach Highcharts is unable to get the true width and height of the element. So instead, we position it absolutely and move it away from the viewport.

 <style type="text/css">
.ui-tabs .ui-tabs-hide {
     position: absolute;
     top: -10000px;
     display: block !important;

adding example: http://www.highcharts.com/studies/jquery-ui-tabs.htm

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Haim Avatar answered Jan 12 '23 07:01


The second chart may be off because it sounds like it is hidden when you draw it. Try to draw the chart upon selection.

Here is some pseudo code to give you an idea of what I imagine. This is not tested.

  select: function(event, ui) {
     var chart = new Highcharts.Chart({
      chart: {
       renderTo: ui.panel.id,
       // blah blah

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ojreadmore Avatar answered Jan 12 '23 08:01
