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Jquery UI - Nested Droppables/Sortables

I am trying to build an interactive web App. using Jquery UI, but I am stuck here - I can't seem to find a way to "Nest" my "boxes" (See fiddle for demo). For example assume there are four boxes - A, B , C , D. If A is the parent with high values for width and height, I drag and drop b into A - This works fine. I try dragging and dropping another "box" C into A, which also works fine. But when I try to drop D (or even C, this doesn't matter) into B (Nesting), it doesnt seem to work (See fiddle).

Notice that the fiddle doesn't contain separate "Boxes" but instead just one box thats replicated multiple times. Also note that I haven't implemented the sorting feature (in the fiddle) yet since I haven't been able to fix the nesting issue.

JS Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/JQwsf/

Just to make sure I'm not trying to confuse anyone here, I've attached an image.

enter image description here

Any help is really much appreciated. Thank you.

like image 887
dsignr Avatar asked Jul 02 '11 20:07


1 Answers

Is this what you need?

Summary: the new inner box must be greedy to intercept events.

like image 131
sigurd Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 20:10
