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jquery ui datepicker and mvc view model type datetime


I am using jquery datepicker on my view model

Here is my view:

@Html.TextBoxFor(o => o.JobStartDate, new { id = "dt1", @class = "input-block-level" })

and my script:

$("#dt1").datepicker({ dateFormat: "dd/mm/yy" });

Everything works fine if my date is <= 12, if my date is over 12, it will show me an validation error message saying "The field Start Date must be a date." (I am using jquery validation)

For example: date 16/12/2014 will give me the error while 12/12/2014 won't

Here is my view model:

[Display(Name = "Start Date")]
public DateTime JobStartDate { get; set; }

I am suspecting that my view model is anticipating a date in the format mm/dd/yyyy while on my datepicker i specified dd/mm/yy, is there a way to tell my viewmodel that I am expecting dd/mm/yy format so that it doesn't throw an error message if date is >= 12.