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jQuery $(this) vs. variable


var element = $('#element');

I'm wondering which is faster:




Or does it matter?

like image 267
lizlux Avatar asked Mar 01 '11 21:03


People also ask

What does $( this mean in jQuery?

$(this) is a jQuery wrapper around that element that enables usage of jQuery methods. jQuery calls the callback using apply() to bind this . Calling jQuery a second time (which is a mistake) on the result of $(this) returns an new jQuery object based on the same selector as the first one.

What does $() return in jQuery?

When a jQuery object is passed to the $() function, a clone of the object is created. This new jQuery object references the same DOM elements as the initial one.

What is $variable in jQuery?

It has no special meaning. jQuery sets the global $ variable to an object with a number of special behaviors, so variables beginning with $ are often reserved for variables or values related to jQuery. This is not enforced at any level, though. You're free to use $ in variable names wherever and however you like.

What does $() mean in Javascript?

Usually when you encounter $() , that means the developer is using a javascript library, such as jQuery. The $ symbol is the namespace for those libraries. All the functions they define begin with $. , such as $. get() .

1 Answers

Use element.

If element was a jQuery collection matching a single element, for example, $(someId), then just use it.

If the selector was meant to match more than one element, then element is actually elements, a collection of elements, so, in that case you use $(this) inside your click handler to catch the one actually clicked.

The difference is explained int he following examples:

1- Handler on single element

var table = $("#myTable");
table.click(function() {
    // Same as $(this), except $(this) creates another
    //  wrapper on the same object (which isn't too expensive anyway)

2- Handler on multiple elements

var rows = $("#myTable > tbody > tr");
rows.click(function() {
    // Here we have to use $(this) to affect ONLY the clicked row

3- Handler on single element, but called for multiple child elements

var table = $("#myTable");
// "on" and "live" call handler for only child elements matching selector
// (Even child elements that didn't exist when we added the handler, 
     as long as parent -table in this case- exists)
table.on("click", "tbody > tr", function() {
    // Here we have to use $(this) to affect ONLY the clicked row

I find it assuring (and less work, a very tiny difference though) to just the existing wrapper, showing that I'm expecting a single element in this case and I'm just working with it. And use $(this) when I'm dealing with elements of a collection of matching elements.

like image 139
Meligy Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 20:10
