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jquery template tags conflict with Django template!


Today I'm trying to play with jquery-tmpl {{if}} & {{else}} statements.

<script id="mission-dialog" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl">
        {{each(i,cond) conditions.data}}
            <img src="${cond.image}"/>
            <p class="status">${cond.status.value}/${cond.status.max}</p>

But as you know {{ }} is reserved also for django template. So django will emit TemplateSyntaxError that it can't parse it.

How can I solve this problem?


I found a working <% raw %> custom tag (GPL) implementation from here.


like image 591
Ray Yun Avatar asked Oct 26 '10 08:10

Ray Yun

2 Answers

Use the templatetag template tag to render the brackets:

{% templatetag openvariable %}each(i,cond) conditions.data{% templatetag closevariable %}

It's a bit fiddly, which is why a raw template tag has been proposed for Django 1.3.

like image 107
Daniel Roseman Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 17:10

Daniel Roseman

There are a few solutions mentioned here:

https://github.com/nje/jquery-tmpl/issues#issue/17 - Edit: Old repo


My favorite is the {% verbatim %} template tag that allows you to build jQuery templates from within Django ones.

like image 33
Colin Sullivan Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 16:10

Colin Sullivan