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jQuery submit function doesn't call html5 validation





I have a simple HTML5 form that has no <input type="submit"> because the button to submit the form is outside the form itself. There are several inputs in the form that have the required="required" propert set.

The button outside the form that I will submit it has the following code attached:

    return false;

When the button is clicked, it doesn't run the normal HTML5 validation on the required fields. What am I doing wrong? Is there a way to check if the form is valid before "forcing" the submit?

like image 986
Icode4food Avatar asked Oct 09 '13 19:10


1 Answers

I accomplished my goal by adding a hidden submit input element like this:

<input type="submit" class="submit" style="display:none;">

I then attache the following code to my external submit handler.

    $('#cc-form-modal .submit').click();
    return false;

This will cause HTML5's validation to run, default error messages to be displayed and all works well!

like image 86
Icode4food Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 04:11
