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jQuery Spritely and Google Chrome

I am using the excellent jQuery Spritely for this website

The problem I am having is the animation of the helicopter in Google Chrome. It works fine in IE7, 8, 9 and FF Up to V10.

I am using this line of code to get the helicopter to follow a line :

$("#helicopter").sprite({fps: 1, no_of_frames: 1})  
            top: 5,  
            left: 800,  
            right: 800,  
            bottom: 10,  
            speed: 20000

The helicopter goes from right to left across in a forward direction in all browsers except for chrome. - In chrome it goes backwards, Which is quite puzzling as I thought Chrome renderred similar to FF?

Any help on this one is much appreciated, as I am at my wits end trying to solve it.

like image 337
StuBlackett Avatar asked Mar 30 '12 10:03


1 Answers

Thanks for the answers. Yes I did solves this.

What I did in the end was I came up with a quick fix in that I flipped the image of the helicopter and sent it in the other direction. As you can probably see from the example url.


like image 155
StuBlackett Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 20:10
