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jQuery: Set click from array loop

I have a series of divs in a pattern of header/body, where a click on the header will show the body in question.

This all happens with .click initialized on page ready...

Rather than doing this (which works fine, but is a pain):

$('#show_fold_ping').click(function(){ ShowArea('#fold_ping') });
$('#show_fold_http').click(function(){ ShowArea('#fold_http') });
$('#show_fold_smtp').click(function(){ ShowArea('#fold_smtp') });
$('#show_fold_pop3').click(function(){ ShowArea('#fold_pop3') });

I am trying to do this:

var Areas = ['ping','http', 'smtp', 'pop3'];

for( var i in Areas ){
    Area = '#show_fold_'+Areas[i];
    $(Area).click(function(){ alert(Area); /* ShowArea(Area); */ });

The problem I'm having is that ALL of them seem to be initialized to the last one. IE: If pop3 is the last one, a click on #show_fold_[any] will alert '#show_fold_pop3'.

This seems like it should be really simple. Am I missing something obvious, or is there an issue with passing a string to jQuery that I don't know about?


Hey, these are all great. I have read up a bit on closures and self-invoking functions, and (kindasorta) get it.

So far, I have this, but the click doesn't seem to be binding correctly. Area will alert with the correct value, but no click bind. Am I still having scope issues with Area, or am I just totally off mark?


    Areas = ['ping','http', 'smtp', 'pop3', 'imap', 'ftp', 'dns', 'tcp', 'database', 'seo'];

    for( var i = 0; i < Areas.length; i++ ){
        (function (Area) {
            $("#show_fold_"+Area).click(function(){ alert('x'); });
like image 481
Eli Avatar asked Jan 30 '09 01:01


1 Answers

Yes, I have run into this problem all too often. Area is a global variable since it does not have var before it. Also, don't use a for...in construct.

But you might still run into a similar problem. God knows how many scripts I've debugged because of a similar bug. Doing the following guarantees proper scoping:

var Areas = ['ping','http', 'smtp', 'pop3'];

for( var i = 0; i < Areas.length; i++ ){
  (function(area) {
    $(area).click(function(){ alert(area); /* ShowArea(area); */ });
like image 137
geowa4 Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 16:11
