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jquery serialize and $.post


I'm trying to send a lot of data from a form using the $.post method in jQuery. I've used the serialize() function first to make all the form data into one long string which I will then explode serverside. The weird thing is when I try and send it using $.post it appends the result of the serialize() to the URL as if I was sending it using GET. Anyone have any ideas why this is happening?

Here's the jquery:

$("#addShowFormSubmit").click(function(){   var perfTimes = $("#addShowForm").serialize();   $.post("includes/add_show.php", {name: $("#showTitle").val(), results: perfTimes }, function(data) {     $("#addShowSuccess").empty().slideDown("slow").append(data);   }); });   

here's the php:

$show = $_POST['name']; $results = $_POST['results']; $perfs = explode("&", $results); foreach($perfs as $perf) {     $perf_key_values = explode("=", $perf);     $key = urldecode($perf_key_values[0]);     $values = urldecode($perf_key_values[1]); } echo $key, $values;   
like image 609
musoNic80 Avatar asked May 28 '09 11:05


People also ask

What is serialize () in jQuery?

jQuery serialize() Method The serialize() method creates a URL encoded text string by serializing form values. You can select one or more form elements (like input and/or text area), or the form element itself. The serialized values can be used in the URL query string when making an AJAX request.

What is serialize JavaScript?

The process whereby an object or data structure is translated into a format suitable for transfer over a network, or storage (e.g. in an array buffer or file format). In JavaScript, for example, you can serialize an object to a JSON string by calling the function JSON. stringify() .

Why do we serialize data?

Serialization and deserialization work together to transform/recreate data objects to/from a portable format. Serialization enables us to save the state of an object and recreate the object in a new location. Serialization encompasses both the storage of the object and exchange of data.

How can I get form data with JavaScript jQuery?

The serializeArray() method creates an array of objects (name and value) by serializing form values. This method can be used to get the form data.

1 Answers

If you are using a <button> element to activate the serialize and ajax, and if that <button> element is within the form element, the button automatically acts as a form submission, no matter what other .click assignment you give it with jQuery.


<button></button> and <button type='submit'></button> are the same thing. They will submit a form if placed within the <form> element.


<button type='button'></button> is different. It is just a normal button and will not submit the form (unless you purposely make it submit the form via JavaScript).

And in the case where a form element has no action attribute specified, this submission simply sends the data back onto the same page. So you will end up seeing a page refresh, along with the serialized data appearing in the URL as if you used GET in your ajax.

Possible solutions

1 - Make the <button> type button. As explained above, this will prevent the button from submitting the form.


<form id='myForm'>     <!--Some inputs, selects, textareas, etc here-->     <button id='mySubmitButton'>Submit</button> </form> 


<form id='myForm'>     <!--Some inputs, selects, textareas, etc here--> <button type='button' id='mySubmitButton'>Submit</button> </form> 

2 - Move the <button> element outside the <form> element. This will prevent the button from submitting the form.


<form id='myForm'>     <!--Some inputs, selects, textareas, etc here-->     <button id='mySubmitButton'>Submit</button> </form> 


<form id='myForm'>     <!--Some inputs, selects, textareas, etc here--> </form> <button id='mySubmitButton'>Submit</button> 

3 - Add in the preventDefault() into the button click handler to prevent the form from being submitted (it's default action):

$("#addShowFormSubmit").click(function(event){   event.preventDefault();   var perfTimes = $("#addShowForm").serialize();   $.post("includes/add_show.php", {name: $("#showTitle").val(), results: perfTimes },      function(data) {     $("#addShowSuccess").empty().slideDown("slow").append(data);   }); }); 

Obviously without seeing all your code, I have no idea if this is the case for your issue, but the only reason I have ever seen behavior you are describing is because the submit button was a <button> without a type specified.

like image 183
Jake Wilson Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 00:09

Jake Wilson