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jquery serialize and multi select dropdown


I have been using the jquery serialize() function to serialize the values of a form and submit it via ajax

like for e.g. if the form name and id is factoryUsers

var data=$("#factoryUsers").serialize();

Now this works fine for forms that have text fields, text areas, simple drop downs etc. But when I have a multiple dropdown , things go awry for e.g. if I have a dropdown of the type

<select size="5" id="factoryUsers" name="factoryUsers" multiple="multiple">

the serialize doesn't work correctly anymore. so if I select 3 users I get a query string like


changing the select to array type doesn't help either factoryUsers[]

Any idea or help how to get this working correctly would be great.

like image 433
Amitabh Avatar asked Feb 25 '11 15:02


1 Answers

Try changing the name of the select to factoryUsers[]. That way you can loop through it in your backend.

like image 59
TJHeuvel Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 07:10
