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Jquery Selector for Element type and Class name?

I have an element we'll call selectedTable that contains this innerHtml:

        <TD class='ms-cal-nav-buttonsltr'></TD>

I'm trying to use JQuery selectors to return the <TD> tag with the "ms-cal-nav-buttonsltr" class. I've found that $(selectedTable).find("TD") returns all the TD tags in the table as expected, but I'm wondering how I might go about combining the TD element selector with a class selector. I've tried $(subnode).find("TD").find(".ms-cal-nav-buttonsltr") and $(subnode).find("TD .ms-cal-nav-buttonsltr") to no avail, but those were just shots in the dark. What's the most efficient way to accomplish this? Thanks in advance.

like image 320
Ocelot20 Avatar asked Aug 24 '11 17:08


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1 Answers

Just concatenate the two:


the selectors you tried were looking for a .ms-cal-nav-buttonsltr element underneath the td.

like image 181
Dennis Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 09:10
