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jQuery selectmenu dropdown height

I want to limit the number of items in a dropdown list, lets say to 6. After quite a search I can't find anything other than a hint there is a maxHeight option, but that appears to have no effect.


<label for="files">Select a file:</label>
<select name="files" id="files">


// configure
$( "#files" ).selectmenu({
              icons: { button: "ui-icon-search" } ,
              style: 'dropdown',
              maxHeight: 60
// Test data
for( i = 0; i < 100; i++ )
   $('#files').append($('<option/>', { 
        value: "a" + i,
        text : "b" + i


[Edit] Just to clarify, I want to keep all the items in the droplist, only display a subset of them that the user scrolls through like a combobox in a normal deskop application.

like image 762
Jon Evans Avatar asked Aug 25 '14 11:08

Jon Evans

2 Answers

You can also extend the CSS class of ".ui-selectmenu-menu .ui-menu" like this:

.ui-selectmenu-menu .ui-menu {max-height: 200px;}

Note: Add this code in separate css file other than the downloaded css library of jqueryUI.

like image 58
Anand M Arora Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 08:11

Anand M Arora

First you need to include menuWidget method. And then add class with limited height value. JS code

$( "#files" )

and CSS

.overflow { height: 200px; }
like image 34
Eugene Snihovsky Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 07:11

Eugene Snihovsky