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jQuery - Select everything except a single elements and its children?



I'm trying to remove everything in the whole body, except of a single element and its children. How can I accomplish this?

Edit 1 Consider the following markup:

      <div id="div1"></div>
      <div id="div2">
         <div id="elementNotToRemove"></div>
      <div id="div3"></div>
      <div id="div4"></div>

In the above example, I want to remove div1, div3 and div4, as well as their children, but conserve div2 because it contains the element not to remove.

like image 609
Mathias Lykkegaard Lorenzen Avatar asked Feb 07 '12 08:02

Mathias Lykkegaard Lorenzen

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The :parent Selector page on jQuery says: Select all elements that have at least one child node (either an element or text). So $('div') would select all divs and $('div:parent') would select only those with children.

2 Answers

 $("body > *").not("body > #elementtokeep").remove();

You can replace the not() part with whatever you want to keep

like image 100
Philippe Leybaert Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 17:10

Philippe Leybaert

This is an old question, but the accepted answer is wrong. It doesn't work in this situation (see http://jsfiddle.net/LVb3V/ ) and certainly not as a general solution.

Better to use:

$('body *').not('#div2, #div2 *').remove()​;

This will remove all elements in the body except for div2 and all the elements it contains.

like image 44
ColBeseder Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 17:10
