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jQuery: select all inputs with unique id (Regex/Wildcard Selectors)

I have some textboxes on a webform that have ids like this:


In my jQuery how do I find all of those in order to assign a value to them. Before I had the underscore and they were all named txtFinalDeadline I could do this and it worked.


However, that was when they were all named the same thing. Now I have the _x after the name and I'm not sure how to go about assigning that same value as before to them.

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d3020 Avatar asked Feb 03 '23 04:02


2 Answers

I don't know if I can guarantee "in order", but this elector should work:


Even then, jQuery is optimized to handle ids in a special way, and may only process 1 id.

A better way would be to have these textfields use a class (perhaps date) so you could just use the '.date' selector.

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Matt Avatar answered Feb 06 '23 04:02


There are multiple ways to do a regex or wildcard select:

Using jQuery selector's inline wildcards:


update: I noticed that this method is no longer working since jQuery 1.3.2.

Using CSS3 selectors:


Using .filter() & match():

  return this.id.match(/txtFinalDeadline_*/);

At last you might want to use a regex selector.

$('input:regex(id, txtFinalDeadline_*)').val(formatDate);
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sepehr Avatar answered Feb 06 '23 06:02
