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JQUERY + Return an Array from a Function



I'm struggling to return an array from a function call - code below:

///////////// Generic Functions
function spotJoinPosition() {
    var pos = {  
                offset: $('div#spotJoinSite').offset(),                                
                width: $('div#spotJoinSite').width(),
                height: $('div#spotJoinSite').height()

        var positionData = spotJoinPosition();

When I alert positionData I get [object][object] and then undefined.


like image 667
Adam Avatar asked Sep 10 '11 09:09


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2 Answers


This is alerting a key in positionData, and using the variable width as the key. You haven't defined a variable called width, so it's essentially looking up positionData[undefined]. What you want is positionData.width, or positionData['width'], but there is no reason for quotes here.

Quotes would only be required if you had a key with non alphanumeric characters. positionData['some-key'] works, but positionData.some-key is a syntax error, because variables cannot have - in them.

Also, your code SHOULD be erroring, because width isn't defined anywhere. I'm worried that you have a globally defined width variable somewhere in your code.

like image 189
Andy Ray Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 21:10

Andy Ray

That's because positionData is an object (the object you return from spotJoinPosition) and the variable width is undefined the variable width contains a value that is not present on the object.

You want positionData.width or positionData['width'].

See the MDN docs on member operators.

like image 27
lonesomeday Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 20:10
