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jQuery: preventDefault on parent link only


Found a solution.

Used parentNode:

$('.skaftetopmenu-li > a').click(function(e) {
   var subid = $(this.parentNode).attr('id');
   if (subid !="forsidemenu"){
      var str = $('#submenu-content-'+subid).html();
      if ($.trim(str) == ""){
         $('.submenu-content', this.parentNode).load('http://' + skafte.base_url + '/inc/top-menu-subs/'+subid+'_submenu.html');

I have a menu like this:

  <li class="parent">
    <a href="url">Link title parent</a>
      <li><a href="url">Link title child</a></li>

I have tried the following in jQuery:

$('.parent').click(function(e) {

However this disables all the elements in the whole menu structure. I want to only disable the parent links. The ones in "ul li", and not the links in "ul ul li", but I can't figure out how and I have searched and searched. So please help me out!

EDIT: Thank you for the answers. I thought I would simplify my code in the question but that actually didn't benifit me. So heres the actual code I'm using:

$('.skaftetopmenu-li').click(function(e) {

   var subid = $(this).attr('id');

   if (subid !="forsidemenu"){

      var str = $('#submenu-content-'+subid).html();

      if ($.trim(str) == ""){

         $('.submenu-content', this).load('http://' + skafte.base_url + '/inc/top-menu-subs/'+subid+'_submenu.html');

And the HTML:

<li class="skaftetopmenu-li" id="priser">
   <a href="http://<?php echo DOMAIN?>/priser.php">Priser &amp; Sortiment</a>
   <div class="submenu-content" id="submenu-content-priser"></div>

If I try to do as you suggest and set it to:

$('.skaftetopmenu-li > a').click(function(e) {

It doesn't work..

like image 314
user2171247 Avatar asked Feb 17 '23 04:02


1 Answers

Similar to Austin Mullins' answer, I think you want this:

$('li.parent > a').click(function(e) {
like image 128
Jacob VanScoy Avatar answered Mar 04 '23 19:03

Jacob VanScoy