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jQuery - Post and reply




Im attempting to add voteup/votedown to one of my sites, however Im having a few problems:

Firstly here is my jQuery:

j(".voteup").click(function(){ // when people click an up button
  j("div#response").show().html('<h2>voting, please wait...</h2>'); // show wait message
    itemID = j(this).parent('div').attr('id');; // get post id

    j.post(voteup.php,{id:itemID},function(response){ // post to up script
      j("div#response").html(response).hide(3000); // show response

  j(this).attr({"disabled":"disabled"}); // disable button

My voteup.php file is:



echo '<h2>PHP Response: You voted post '.$id.' up</h2>';


However It doesnt appear to be working, the alert comes through with the post ID but nothing from then on. The $id doesnt get echo'd.

Any ideas?

like image 552
CLiown Avatar asked Oct 26 '22 07:10


1 Answers

you must wrote


instead of


in voteup.php

like image 171
Simon Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 05:11
