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jQuery populate Select list based on text input's value

I am trying to write code that allows a select list to be populated based on the input value of a textbox.

For Example:
If user inputs milk in the textbox, the select list will contain "full fat", "Skimmed", "1% Milk"

I have been online and can't find any information on how to do this. I have managed to autopopulate one select list based on the selection from a previous one using jquery. However, I cant find a solution for when using a textbox.
Thanks for checking out my question!

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user1779796 Avatar asked Oct 27 '12 19:10


1 Answers

create an object containing arrays of options:

selectOptions = {
   milk: ["full fat", "Skimmed", "1% Milk"]

based on this, you can append <option> tags to the <select> when the onchange event of the <textarea> fires:

$('textarea').change(function() {
   if(selectOptions[$(this).val()]) { // does the selectOptions object have an entry for the value of the textarea?
       $.each(selectOptions[$(this).val()], function() { // for each array item do
           $('select').append('<option>' + this + '</option>'); // append an option tag for the array item
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Gung Foo Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 12:10

Gung Foo