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jquery (null is null or not an object) error on IE8

When I load jquery using:

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

it works on IE9, firefox, chrome, safari but not IE8. I tried the developer/debugger tools but still don't understand why this is an issue.

This is the character code jquery supposedly has error on: 32039.
On that line there is such function:

   var b=F.exec(a);
   b&&(b[1]=(b[1]||"").toLowerCase(),b[3]=b[3]&&new RegExp("(?:^|\\s)"+b[3]+"(?:\\s|$)"));
   return b

Anyone came across this issue as well?

The site is http://www.kanersan.com

I am not calling jquery before it is loaded and I'm loading it inside the head tag.

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C0D3 Avatar asked Mar 26 '12 21:03


Video Answer

2 Answers

This is a bug in jQuery 1.7.1 when used with SyntaxHighlighter


So you have to upgrade jQuery to 1.7.2 and everything will be working fine.

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Nenad Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 02:10


try to folow some steps:-

1.jQuery is not being loaded, this is not likely specific to IE8. Check the path on your jQuery include. statement. Or better yet,.. TRy to give direct path.

2.May be because of compatibility issue.. Try to give compatibility solutions.. Things worked in IE6, Firefox, and IE8 running in IE7 compatibility mode; but not in 'normal' IE8. My solution was to put this code in the header

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7" />

As to why jquery isn't working in IE8 I'm unclear.

3.Try to load your jquery on window load.

4.Try to define your jquery file in top..

5.Very important point - try to check your html and jquery code.. IE is very sensetive for code.. so cross check your Html code ,... Is everything is fine..

6.Changing browser sercurity level to allow executing external javascript code.

7.Replicate javascript framwork..

May this will help You !!!!!!!!1

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Javascript Coder Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 01:10

Javascript Coder