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jQuery nth-child add html after

I have a simple unordered list with 16 list items. I want to add a new list item after every fourth existing list item using jQuery

How would I do that? Code below:

    <li>some stuff</li>
    <li>some stuff</li>
    <li>some stuff</li>
    <li>some stuff</li>

    <li class="clear">This is what I want to add</li>

    <li>some stuff</li>
    <li>some stuff</li>
    <li>some stuff</li>
    <li>some stuff</li>

    <li class="clear">This is what I want to add</li>

    and so on...
like image 894
mtwallet Avatar asked Feb 24 '10 11:02


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1 Answers

Using the :nth-child selector (documentation):

$('ul li:nth-child(4n)').after('<li class="clear">This is what I want to add</li>')
like image 142
htanata Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 03:10
