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jQuery Load Progress Bar

I'm sure this question HAS to have been asked, but after searching through the 'Related Questions' here as well as several Google searches... I have come up empty.

I'm simply trying to implement a true bytes_loaded/bytes_total type of progress bar in jQuery or even traditional Js. This was so easy in the AS3 days :) ...but of course Flash comes with it's drawbacks. All I really need to know is how to calculate the current bytes loaded and bytes total during any download. Calculating the uploaded bytes would be sweet too. Anyone have another posted question to direct me to? Or have knowledge of the subject?

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d2burke Avatar asked Feb 14 '11 14:02


2 Answers

There is a Q/A on progress bars for long process reporting on the server. Also check out how to get AJAX download progress in every browser but IE.

like image 138
Dawson Toth Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 02:10

Dawson Toth

There are frameworks/plugins for this available:
and so on...

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jbehren Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 02:10
