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Jquery ID apply

I am trying to create an dynamic order form using Jquery and PHP and got stuck. I have a Jquery code that onclick adds a new set of fields. Also in that jquery code I apply some style and jquery to one of the fields. Its an Multiselect, Searchable dropdown list.

Problem here however. I can apply this style so that it has the search bar etc. to the first one. the ones after are just random multilists with no vallues or searchbar.

Here is my code:

$(document).ready(function() {
    var max_fields      = 100; //maximum input boxes allowed
    var wrapper         = $(".input_fields_wrap"); //Fields wrapper
    var add_button      = $(".add_field_button"); //Add button ID

    var x = 1; //initlal text box count

    //THIS WORKS!!
    var arrayFromPHP = ['foo', 'bar'];//<?php echo json_encode($a); ?>;
    $("#country" + x).select2({
        data: arrayFromPHP

    $(add_button).click(function(e){ //on add input button click
        if(x < max_fields){ //max input box allowed
            x++; //text box increment

            //THIS DOESNT WORK!!
            var arrayFromPHP = ['foo', 'bar'];//<?php echo json_encode($a); ?>;
            $("#country" + x).select2({
                data: arrayFromPHP

            $(wrapper).append('' +
                '<div>' +
                '<select id="country'+ x +'" multiple="multiple" style="width:300px;">' +
                '</select>' +
                '<a href="#" class="remove_field">Remove</a>' +
                '</div>' +
                '<div><input type="number" name="quantity'+ x +'" min="1" max="10"><a href="#" class="remove_field">Remove</a></div>'); //add input box

    $(wrapper).on("click",".remove_field", function(e){ //user click on remove text
        e.preventDefault(); $(this).parent('div').remove(); x--;
<link href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/select2/4.0.1/css/select2.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

    <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/select2/4.0.1/js/select2.min.js"></script>

<div class="input_fields_wrap">
        <form method="post"><input type="submit" value="Add item" class="add_field_button"></form>
            <select id="country1" multiple="multiple" style="width:300px;">
                <!-- Dropdown List Option -->

So in the Jquery I put 2 comments in caps rage to mark what I mean that doesnt work.


This on first sight

This on first sight

When I click in the multiselect tab this works.

When I click in the multiselect tab this works.

Picture speaks for itself. just messed up and if I click it nothing happends.

picture speaks for itself. just messed up and if I click it nothing happends.

like image 282
B. Dionys Avatar asked Oct 29 '22 21:10

B. Dionys

2 Answers

You're initializing select2 before the HTML element exists:

$("#country" + x).select2({
  data: arrayFromPHP

$(wrapper).append('' +
  '<div>' +
  '<select id="country'+ x +'" multiple="multiple" style="width:300px;">' +
  '</select>' +

The select2 line should come AFTER you create the element with the append method. Try this (note that I didn't copy the whole text: this is just illustrative):

$(wrapper).append('' +
  '<div>' +
  '<select id="country'+ x +'" multiple="multiple" style="width:300px;">' +
  '</select>' +

$("#country" + x).select2({
  data: arrayFromPHP
like image 143
bozdoz Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 13:11


Edit Try this:

        var newContent = $('' +
            '<div>' +
            '<select id="country'+ x +'" multiple="multiple" style="width:300px;">' +
            '</select>' +
            '<a href="#" class="remove_field">Remove</a>' +
            '</div>' +
            '<div><input type="number" name="quantity'+ x +'" min="1" max="10"><a href="#" class="remove_field">Remove</a></div>'
        newContent.find("#country" + x).select2({
            data: arrayFromPHP
like image 32
Catalin Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 14:11
