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jQuery HTML5 file drag and drop

I have looked at many scripts for uploading images to the server with AJAX with drag and drop. The scripts I found are not jQuery, are quite large and don't do exactly what I want.

In the future it should upload an image with jQuery, AJAX and PHP.

My question

In many of the example I've looked at e.dataTransfer.files work. In my case it don't. Do I need to bind it somehow?

I want jQuery as much as possible.


Play around as much as you like...



        <style type="text/css">
            #dropzone {
                border: 2px dashed #ccc;
                width: 300px;
                height: 200px;
        <script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
                    dragenter: function(e) {
                        $(this).css('background-color', 'lightBlue');
                    dragleave: function(e) {
                        $(this).css('background-color', 'white');
                    drop: function(e) {
        <div id="dropzone">
            Drop files here
like image 788
Jens Törnell Avatar asked Oct 18 '12 12:10

Jens Törnell

People also ask

Is drag and drop possible using HTML5?

HTML Drag and Drop (DnD) is a feature of HTML5. It is a powerful user interface concept which is used to copy, reorder and delete items with the help of mouse. You can hold the mouse button down over an element and drag it to another location. If you want to drop the element there, just release the mouse button.

How do I upload files to drag and drop?

Drag and drop file uploads happen when you drag one or more files from an underlying platform's file manager and drop them onto a web page for upload. A preview of the image indicates the upload has begun. Many JavaScript libraries create this type of drag and drop file upload feature with a few lines of code.

How do I drag and drop an image in HTML?

The image link is inserted in the HTML page using <img> src attribute. Whenever we are going to insert the image, we have to enable draggable=”true”. Also, enable ondragstart=”drag(event)” so that this image can be draggable along with setting the image width and height.

2 Answers

I wrote an extension for my application.

// Custom file drop extension
    filedrop: function (options) {
        var defaults = {
            callback : null
        options =  $.extend(defaults, options)
        return this.each(function() {
            var files = []
            var $this = $(this)

            // Stop default browser actions
            $this.bind('dragover dragleave', function(event) {

            // Catch drop event
            $this.bind('drop', function(event) {
                // Stop default browser actions

                // Get all files that are dropped
                files = event.originalEvent.target.files || event.originalEvent.dataTransfer.files

                // Convert uploaded file to data URL and pass trought callback
                if(options.callback) {
                    var reader = new FileReader()
                    reader.onload = function(event) {
                return false

And we can use it like this

// Event listener filedropper
    callback : function(fileEncryptedData) {
        // a callback?


If you want to drop multiple files, you should write a for loop around the FileReader like so:

if(options.callback) {
    for (i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
        var reader = new FileReader()
        reader.onload = function(event) {

JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/646xe1m2/

like image 188
Ron van der Heijden Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 07:09

Ron van der Heijden

I found out that it's a bug in jQuery.1.8. This row should be before $('.dropzone').


Final HTML code

        <style type="text/css">
            .dropzone {
                border: 2px dashed #ccc;
                width: 300px;
                height: 200px;
        <script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
                var filename = '';
                var image_data = '';

                    dragenter: function(e) {
                        $(this).css('background-color', 'lightBlue');
                    dragleave: function(e) {
                        $(this).css('background-color', 'white');
                    drop: function(e) {

                        var file = e.dataTransfer.files[0];
                        var fileReader = new FileReader();

                        var this_obj = $(this);

                        fileReader.onload = (function(file) {
                            return function(event) {
                                // Preview
                                filename = file.name;
                                image_data = event.target.result;
                                $(this_obj).next().html('<a href="#" class="upload-file">Upload file</a>');
                                $(this_obj).html('<img style="max-width: 200px; max-height: 200px;" src="' + event.target.result + '">');


                // Upload file
                $(".upload-file").live("click", function(e){

                    var this_obj = $(this);
                    var image_data = $(this_obj).parent().prev().find('img').attr('src');

                            data: image_data,
                            filename: filename
                        }, function(response){  


        <!-- Multiple dropzones -->
        <div class="dropzone">
            Drop files here
        <div id="meta"></div>
        <div class="dropzone">
            Drop files here
        <div id="meta"></div>

PHP code in send_image.php

$raw_data = $_POST['data'];

        str_replace('data:image/jpeg;base64,', '', $raw_data)


<?php echo '<img style="max-width: 200px; max-height: 200px;" src="' . 'image123.jpg' . '">'; ?>
like image 41
Jens Törnell Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 07:09

Jens Törnell