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jQuery - how to count number of li's and add one if number is odd?



Need a little help again. Say I have an unordered list, and I want it to always have an even number of li's in it. How can I use jQuery to count the number of li's, and add one blank one at the end, if the number is odd?

If you're wondering why, I have a dropdown where the "ul li ul" is twice the width of the "ul li ul li" so the dropdown li's show in 2 columns. So, purely for visuals, it would be nice to always have an even amount, even if one is blank.


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Marlon Creative Avatar asked Sep 24 '09 14:09

Marlon Creative

3 Answers

Try this:

$("ul").each(function() {
    var elem = $(this);
    if (elem.children("li").length % 2 != 0) {

This should add one list item to every unordered list with an odd number of list items.

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Gumbo Avatar answered Jan 02 '23 03:01


I'd do it like this:

if ($('ul#my-ul > li').length %2 != 0){
like image 35
Benjamin Wohlwend Avatar answered Jan 02 '23 04:01

Benjamin Wohlwend

if( $('#myUnorderedList > li').size() % 2  != 0 )
    //add an extra li somewhere
    $('#myUnorderedList').append( '<li>content</li>' );
like image 37
Stefan Kendall Avatar answered Jan 02 '23 05:01

Stefan Kendall