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jQuery Draggable and overflow issue [closed]

I am having an undesired effect when I drag a div from a container div which is set as overflow: scroll.

I have found an example of someone else where they have had the issue but I have been unable to find a resolution

Example on Paste bin

What happens is that the scroll is just increased, I can see why this would be the desired behaviour if you wanted to drag to a destination within the scrollable div but I want to be able to take it outside of its scrolling grasp.

like image 532
Phill Duffy Avatar asked May 01 '09 11:05

Phill Duffy

People also ask

Why is draggable not working?

You have one of these problems: Your jQuery or jQuery UI Javascript path files are wrong. Your jQuery UI does not include draggable. Your jQuery or jQuery UI Javascript files are corrupted.

What is jQuery draggable?

Advertisements. jQueryUI provides draggable() method to make any DOM element draggable. Once the element is draggable, you can move that element by clicking on it with the mouse and dragging it anywhere within the viewport.

How do I limit a draggable area?

Limit draggable area using 'containment' option It is simple. All you have to do is, add an option called containment to the draggable() method. The containment option has a value parent.

2 Answers

I had a similar problem enabling a drag between two overflow-auto divs. With the help of the previous answers, I found that this combination works for me (Safari 5.0.3, jquery-1.4.4, jquery-ui-1.8.7):

appendTo: 'body', containment: 'window', scroll: false, helper: 'clone' 
like image 85
marks_ Avatar answered Dec 06 '22 22:12



Element, SelectorDefault:'parent'

The element passed to or selected by the appendTo option will be used as the draggable helper's container during dragging. By default, the helper is appended to the same container as the draggable.

Code examples Initialize a draggable with the appendTo option specified.

$('.selector').draggable({ appendTo: 'body' }); 
like image 43
Chad Grant Avatar answered Dec 07 '22 00:12

Chad Grant